Ukrainian Students Visit Pentagon for Internship Program

Deputy Assistant Secretary Cooper spends time with the students and encourages them to advocate for their nation.

A group of Ukrainian university students visited the Pentagon recently to learn about the internal operations that power U.S. military strategy and support. Eleven business and technology students are part of an internship program that will visit a number of organizations in the United States over the summer, with the Pentagon being just one of many stops. The students were grateful to hear how the Defense Department supports Ukraine’s defense against Russian attacks on a daily basis.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian, Ukraine, and Eurasia Laura Cooper spent time with the students, discussing “the importance of equipping Ukraine to defend itself, the strength of the bilateral relationship with Ukraine that existed even before the war began, and how military assistance is provided to Ukraine through both presidential drawdown authority and the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. “

The Defense Department said the deputy assistant secretary “also told the students that young Ukrainians can help their country by spreading the word about what is happening there. She said while much of the world is aware of Russia’s invasion, messaging from young people actually in Ukraine is critical for generating international support. “

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Pentagon officials as they pursue ways of supporting Ukraine against Russia.
  • For wisdom for Secretary Austin and other U.S. defense leaders as they provide internship opportunities.
  • For the president, his military advisors, and members of Congress as they consider continued support of Ukraine.

Sources: Department of Defense


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